The Youth Space Center of Bauman Moscow State Technical University conducts the workshop for university students enthusiastic about
space every year to provide participants with an opportunity to discuss the results of the year passed in space focusing on Russian
and International programs, see and touch the real space hardware and meet people working on the front edge of space science and
technology. The workshop program has been conducted since 1996. It began with FPSpace-96 and FPSpace-97 done jointly with Friends &
Partners in Space, that was followed by Space Development: Theory & Practice International Workshop in 1998 when the workshop became annual.
This year we have a pleasure to invite you to Space Development: Theory & Practice - 2022 International Workshop scheduled for July 4-14, 2022.
We would really love to see you in Moscow, host you on BMSTU campus, take you to the space facilities for the tours and show you around Moscow but
we can’t do it because of coronavirus pandemic. Once we are unable to meet face to face we decided to hold the workshop online and move our meetings
to the Internet. The program will include online lectures, working on a team project and many more activities that will enable you to add to your
knowledge of space science and technology and get an experience of international teamwork while staying at home.
We, the Youth Space Center members working to organize this event are in love with space and the key reason for us to set up this workshop is desire to
meet the other space-interested people and make friends to them. Russia has been one of the major contributors to world space science and technology and
it is always ready to share its’ knowledge, expertize and hospitality with the other nations of the world. We welcome you to participate in Space Development:
Theory & Practice - 2022 International Workshop we will do our best to make this experience memorable for you.